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Schedule Site Testing

日期: 2020-05-13

EMTEK, has established various laboratories that were allowed to providing the site testing for rental service, you can reserve a schedule at least three days in advance for us as below contact, which will also consider our facility is nearby and it is consistent with your requirement.


Laboratory in Shenzhen(EMC, Automotive electronics, Photovoltaic and Safety)

Contact to: Ms. Huang

Line: +86-755-26954280-853    

Email: szecs@emtek.com.cn

Laboratory in Dongguan(EMC ,Safety, Lighting, Chemistry and Performance)

Contact to: Ms.Tong

Line: +86-769-26626818-194    

Email: cs01@emtek.com.cn

Laboratory in Ningbo (EMC, Safety and Reliability)  

Contact to: Ms.Yao
Line: +86-574-27907998-1006

Email: nb@emtek.com.cn 

Laboratory in Wuhan (Functional reliability, Metallic of materials Performance)   

Contact to: Ms.Yang

Line: +86-27-84733628-818

Mobile: 15387113159

Email: wh.office@emtek.com.cn

Laboratory in Suzhou (Chemistry, Environmental reliability, Polymer material Performance)

Contact to: Mr.Zhao

Line: +86-512-80996693

Mobile: 13813374205

Email: paul.zhao@emtek.com.cn

Laboratory in Guangzhou (Chemistry, Functional reliability, Mechanics material Performance)

Contact to: Ms.Lei

Line: +86-020-82553111-8107

Email: szc.cs4@emtek.com.cn



  • Tel:4008-838-258
  • Email:cs@emtek.com.cn
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