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Battery safety performance testing IEEE1725

日期: 2020-06-10

IEEE1725 is a non-mandatory mobile rechargeable battery test standard issued by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in the United States, but the Cellular Telecommunications And Internet Association (CTIA) has implemented a mandatory mobile battery certification program based on this standard.

IEEE 1725:2006 Standard Introduction

1. This standard applies to all types of lithium-ion batteries and lithium-ion polymer batteries and battery packs used in mobile phones.

2. The IEEE1725 standard establishes a unified standard for the design, manufacture and evaluation of mobile phone batteries. It helps battery manufacturers or suppliers to plan and perform design analysis, testing and certification based on this standard, so as to ensure the quality and reliability of batteries and ensure the safety of telecommunication products.

3. The whole system is divided into cells, batteries, host equipment and charging equipment

EMTEK Laboratory provides you with comprehensive testing and certification services.

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