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  • 4008-838-258   

Quality Service Promotion Center

日期: 2020-06-01

Located in Shenzhen Bay Eco-Technology Park, the heart of Shenzhen high-tech zone, Quality Service Promotion Center offers service to public based on a strong industrial foundation. 

It shows how do quality standards and test technology become the guardian of personal life, the supporter of technology innovation and the protector of ecological environment. With the aim of “creating a better life”, we would like to enhance the quality by setting standards and improve the life through test.


Social Service

? Standard Servicr

Standard R&D and setting, standard application and promotion


? Test Service

Test and certification service,test and certification training


? Talent Service

Talent training ,internship,offering job opporunities


? Maker Service

Maker space,make traning,R&D guidance


?Site Service

Exhibition and activity site



Innovation Plaza, 3rd Floor, Block A, Building 7, Shenzhen Bay Science and Technology Ecological Park, 1819 Shahe West Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen



  • Tel:4008-838-258
  • Email:cs@emtek.com.cn
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